Hotel Nordens Ark

Address: Åby Säteri, 456 93 Hunnebostrand
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Directions: Nordens Ark is located in the heart of Bohuslän, 20 km from Smögen, 45 km from Uddevalla, 114 km from Gothenburg and 210 km from Oslo.
GPS coordinates
Lat: N58° 26´33.65"
Long: E11° 26´10.68"
With car
From Gothenburg: Take the E6 towards Oslo. After Munkedal/Håby it is signposted from E6.
From Oslo: Take the E6 towards Gothenburg and follow the signs towards Nordens Ark (Smögen and Kungshamn).
By bus
Nordens Ark's bus stop is right outside the entrance to Nordens Ark. Västtrafik is responsible for the bus traffic that passes Nordens Ark.

GPS coordinates

Coordinates to device
Latitude: 58.4413470575063
Longitude: 11.4356373285889
Latitude: 58° 26' 29"
Longitude: 11° 26' 8"

Book with us

Every time you book with Nordens Ark or buy something from us, you are helping to save and protect endagered animals and biological diversity.

Book with us

Every time you book with Nordens Ark or buy something from us, you are helping to save and protect endagered animals and biological diversity.
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